Retro – Vintage & Retro Style WordPress Theme

retro wordpress theme screenshot

A colorful and retro/vintage WordPress theme. It supports custom navigation menus, 4 widget areas, featured images and no-sidebar/full-width page template. A smart and clean two column theme with great features: HomePage Slider, Custom Logo, Recent Posts Widget, 125×125 Banner Widget, SocialMedia Buttons Widget, Facebook Widget, Twitter Widget, Dropdown Navigation, Theme Options Panel and more.

Price: Free

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Theme license: GNU General Public License v2.0
tipsy: released under the MIT license (facebook style tooltips for jquery)


1. Automatic Installation
Go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Themes > Install Themes > Upload and choose the theme zip folder.

2. Manual Installation
Upload the theme files to your wordpress theme folder wp-content/themes and activate the theme in
your wordpress admin panel. That’s it!

To find out more about installing WordPress themes please also see the WordPress documentation.

Wordpress Options

Afterwards you should read a few more detailed explanations about the features and recommended settings
of your downloaded theme.

1. Post Thumbnails
This theme uses the wordpress post_thumbnail function. You can easily add your thumbnail in every post
by clicking on Set featured image in the Featured Image box on the right, upload your picture and click
Use as featured image.

2. Media Settings
The size of your thumbnail images is set in your wordpress media settings and can be changed at
WP-Admin > Settings > Media. The theme uses medium_size in single posts and pages and thumbnail_size
in index and archiv files.
Page Templates

1. Full Width Template
This template shows the page content in full-width without any sidebars.
